Is it necessary to fertilize trees in Pointe-Claire?  

How much do the trees on your property need to be fertilized? You may be asking yourself this question, and perhaps you have never fertilized your trees. This page explains why fertilizing trees is a good thing.  


Often we think that trees don’t need fertilizing. Perhaps because of their size. But as living things, they too need to be fed. Fertilizers contain nutrients that are required for their development. Unfertilized trees can become deficient.  This can weaken them, sometimes to the point of death. A certified arborist can help you determine if your trees require fertilization.  


The benefits of fertilization  

 Fertilization should be done twice a year. The first time should be in the spring, as soon as the morning frost on the ground has finally stopped. A second time in the fall, before the winter season sets in.  


Why should trees be fertilized? Because when they receive all the nutrients they need, plants do better. They are then less likely to feel stressed, to contract a disease or to be attacked by insects.  


A tree that seems to have stopped growing for a few years is a sign of fertilizer deficiency. Yellowing leaves in the middle of summer is another significant indicator. Other possible indicators are leaves that shrink from year to year, premature leaf loss as early as August. In these cases, fertilizer can greatly help these large, nutrient-starved plants.  

  Tree service Pointe-Claire

Fertilizers usually include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. A fertilizer spreader is a useful device. Three to four pounds of fertilizer should be spread around the tree for every 100 square feet. The ideal fertilizer is designed for trees. However, it is too expensive for some pockets. So, lawn fertilizer is an acceptable alternative: better a worse fertilizer than no fertilizer at all.  


As for trees in pots, it is important to be careful not to overfertilize them. This would be the equivalent of indigestion. For potted growth, it is best to use lawn fertilizer. There are also products specifically designed to keep potted trees healthy.  


Not everyone has the time in their schedule to care for trees or has a green thumb. So, products that gradually work their way into the soil are the way to go. They come in sticks or granules. The application to the soil only has to be done once a year and the job is done. Get advice from a certified arborist if you need for this or for a abattage arbre.


Many people prefer not to fertilize their trees or shrubs themselves, for fear of applying too much or too little or not doing it at the right time. Using the services of a tree care company is a wise choice.  

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